As humans, we never get to have enough time throughout our stay on this place called EARTH. There's never enough time, 24hrs a day is never enough. With the minimal time we are blessed with, some are still able to achieve something good and positive out of it. Its all due to GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT.
Time  is a valuable entity in the life of human race. Time isn't just time, it entails more than what we think it does.  Everything we do, or go through, every aspect of our lives has to do with timing. The way we  utilize it "TIME MANAGEMENT" differs from one person to another. Some make use of it adequately while some in a wasteful and inappropriate manner
TIME management is an act of organizing and planning how to divide our time between specific and meaningful activities. Its the way we set goals to our Time. This helps in working more effectively than working harder. Failure to manage ones time leads to ineffectiveness, more pressure on you and stress.
There are ways to which we can have a good time management,which are
SETTING PRIORITIES: arranging your task in order of what is more important to less important ones. when you have a set of task to do, don't just select at random the one you feel you should do first maybe because you love doing works in that aspect but you should select the task to do  according to its urgency of need. Meanwhile, you do not just set priorities, you must carry out your activities around your priorities. Do not by any means deviate from  your set Priorities except there's a good reason to. Most importantly, get your urgent and important task done. Differentiating between urgent and important is the key to prioritising your time and workload anywhere.
CONDUCIVE ENVIRONMENT: in this aspect, what my definition of a conducive environment is might not apply to yours. Its an environment you feel helps you achieve the most out of you. Some love a cool and calm place, some would prefer a noisy area, listening to music and the likes. Being in an environment that doesn't get you distracted, that makes you focus more on your task. Staying FOCUSED is key!. Find your conducive environment, stay calm and work.


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