Many at times,women are either told to keep quiet or 'get inside' and leave it for the men to do and this has quite become a trend in our society but i can bet it with you that we are changing status quo with the new generation of women that are coming up and taking hold of different areas in the economy such as politics, business, religion, entertainment, engineering etc. We have motherland moguls coming up with full force and am sure you don't want to be left out.
Every woman has an extraordinary ability and strength that can only be unleashed if she chooses to let it out. For every woman to accomplish something great, the first thing to do is to make a CHOICE. Make a choice that you don't want to be in the back seat all the time. Make a choice that you want to utilize your potentials to the maximum capacity. Make a choice that you want to change your environment positively by changing you first
Then after making a choice,you probably think you don't have enough manpower to make your first move but you know what? The second to achieving your big dreams is to build your self-confidence.  SELF-CONFIDENCE EXUDES STRENGTH. Build your self-esteem. No one is you! No one can be you! You are unique! You don't have to be like anyone else but you can pick up some traits from someone you admire to make you a more unique being. Simple!! Walk head high! Face every challenge with confidence. Talk and walk boldly.
A woman who is confident is one who has chosen to rise over status quo and conquer. W.E.B Dubious once said that 'there is no force equal to a woman who is determined to rise'. No force can be a challenge if you are determined to rise.  Fight fear!!
Next is seeking opportunities and grasping them. Emma Watson at She Leads Africa says 'Girls should never be afraid to be smart'. You should never be afraid to be smart. Seek opportunities, volunteer at programs, contribute. Don't be passive! That's one sure way of getting on the high side of life. Be smart! Be confident! Be wise! Smart people always fulfill their dreams. Surround yourself with smart people that will push you to do great things..
Look for women who stand out in the field you want to enter and make them your role models. They all never had a rosy beginning. All of them struggled and we're determined to change status quo and you can also determine to do that today..
You are a female,you are strong and you are capable
You can pray,slay and work..
Invest in yourself,be intentional about your growth..
Give value and provide solution. We all have one brain and we can make the best use of it.
Lastly,you can push through anything you put your mind to..
Cofie Grace B. and Ayeni Olajumoke N.
@cofie_grace and @jumiife


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